Friday, January 19, 2007

It's official- I'm an addict

My euphoria of last night was short lived. Half way into downloading the files my editor was sending for February's issue of Street News my connection was abruptly terminated. In the morning I went back to the shop. As I thought, no minutes left in my account. Not good, because I had already paid for 1000 Rs worth. The guy explained that he had been worried that maybe the handset was what was jamming up so he had replaced it with another. Fair enough. Then he had sold the original handset to someone else with the 1000Rs attached. Not so good. He put more rupees into my account. Then before I fired up again I checked my balance. I now have 1000 more rupees than I paid for, and the moral dilemma of whether I should go back to the shop and pay for the windfall. Oh my, after all the hassle and aggravation of the last week getting this puppy to work am I not entitled to just a little bit? About $27.00 Canadian? But 1000 Rs is half a months salary for some of the white collar working stiffs around here. Arrrrggghhhh!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe the absolute sense of relief to have my own connection ready and waiting for me any old time of day or night, though night is much cheaper, and the luxury of a great big fan to keep me and my baby cool while I check out all those sites that I routinely cruise daily, especially India Mike. Not having a live connection in my own room makes me feel so totally cut off from animportant part of my life. I am an addict, just no way to get around that.

But even addicts have to eat. Got to go get supper now. I'm looing forward to a long, inexpensive prowl through cyber space in the wee hours again. What luxury.

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