Monday, November 27, 2006

Katrina Rant

Watched a rare bit of television this summer. It was a movie in which cyclonic winds sucked super cooled air down from the troposphere and froze New York. In Alberta we have our local version of that almost every year. Happening right now. Alright, alright, so it only goes down to forty below, not sixty and freighters hardly ever get frozen in on the North Saskatchewan River and our coyotes look a whole lot better than those wolves in the movie. Those kind of temperatures are still deadly to unprotected human beings And we have way too many of those in this supposedly rich and developed country.

Calgary is doing the Katrina Disaster thing this weekend, putting people up in Stampede Grounds Concourse for the duration and local drop ins and homeless shelters are letting people sleep on the floors and the hallways in both Edmonton and Calgary. This is just not good enough Alberta!

There was a tiny tiny bit of space left in Edmonton Street News so I wrote a tiny tiny little rant in honour of the beastly weather.

I am on the homestretch of putting together the last bits of Edmonton Street News this month. Too bad it's so damn cold nobody can stand out there and sell it for more than fifteen twenty minutes at a time. I'm going to see if I can get this program to mount a pdf file after I get the thing finished.

Having a lot of fun playing around with the blogger program, seeing what it will let me get away with.

Well couldn't load pdfs directly, set up a second blog for the paper and put up jpegs of the pages, Pretty small but if you click on them twice they get a little bigger. Not really the solution I'm looking for but will have to do till I figure out something better.


Snowcrab said...

So, the interesting question is, does this comment function work?

Snowcrab said...

Seems to. Anyone who has had trouble leaving a comment, remember after you type into the field, scroll down on the page, hit the radio button "other" put in your name and hit the "Publish Your Comment" bar. The page is not designed very well.