Monday, November 26, 2007

Curious stuff

I've been working on a family history. The Great Depression in the 1930's had a huge impact on our parents families so I have been cruising the official archives to get some photos of the era since our family doesn't have any photos from that time.

The Glenbow Archives, the Edmonton City Archives and the Edmonton Library historical website have all pulled their photos and stories of personal hardship and civil unrest from their collections. All you can access from those years are pictures of buildings and military doings. It's particularly noticeable in the Library website where so many pictures and blocks of text have been removed that there are big gaps left on the pages, (some of the text gaps have since been filled since I was in there). No web designer would design a page like that. Looks like the Alberta government has decided to edit the thirties from the history of Alberta. Wonder why? Afraid that people might start remembering that bust sometimes follows boom?

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