Thursday, December 21, 2006


Having some very nice lunches lately.

Yesterday I went out with two really old friends, companions from my elementary school days, Alice, Bob and Bob's wife Susan. Alice is also going on a trip to Hong Kong, China, Korea and Japan for six weeks this spring. Bob is very happy with the Nikon DSLR he got with his retirement present. And Ken phoned from Calgary while we were dining. It is nice to see the people I spent so many formative years with at the same point in their lives trying to make choices that will give their retirement years meaning and pleasure. We all have had different lives since the old days at St Andrew, but we are all at much the same place in our biological destiny. We all have a few good years left and want to make the best of them.

The luncheon today was very different.
Ran down to Whiterock with my daughter Rainbow to see my sister-in-law Holly. Went out for lunch with her sister Heather and her niece Eve. Both Eve and Rainbow are pregnant so it was very nice to see the future unfolding as it should. Whiterock is a really attractive town, had a great slab of Pacific salmon in a Greek restaurant right down on the oceanfront.

Paid for our treat on the way back, got caught in rush hour gridlock at the approach to the Mann bridge over into Coquitlam, and then again on the northshore highway at the approach to the Lionsgate. Rainbow actually fell asleep at one point waiting for the traffic to inch on down the road. There are way too many cars on the road. Luckily the roads are are only wet around here, not clogged with snow also. (That was two weeks ago.)
Late to pick up the kids, but they walked over to their Grandmothers house, and Grandmother and Auntie took them to the Mall. Fun to spoil kids at Christmas. Tomorrow, off to an evening with the relatives of Rainbow's signifigant other.

Then on the ferry and off for Christmas with my brothers on the Island.
I hate just getting on an airplane and ending up somewhere else. I feel journeys should have more substance to them. I'm really enjoying taking two weeks to get to India.
Took me a month to get back to Edmonton after my last trip.

Wish it was easier to dopage layout on this program.

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