Jan 4, 2007
Went down to the train station and bought train tickets for Remi and myself. The process reminded me of a quiz my friend Ken presented to a group of us one time.
Question one:
How do you put a giraffe in the fridge?
You open the door and put in the giraffe.
Remi wanted me to perform some sort of legerdemain on the Internet to order tickets and pay with a credit card. When I said "I'm just going to take a rickshaw down to the station" he started questioning. Would there would be anybody there to sell tickets, (it's quite a quiet station, only a few trains come through); didn't I want to telephone first at least? He has had some harrowing experiences with paying for tickets that turned out to be waitlisted, which was not explained to him clearly. No, I'm not going to phone, I hate telephones anyway. I'm just going to go down to the station and buy tickets. This I did under the fascinated regard of half a dozen hangers on pressing up to the counter to closely watch the foreign woman buy train tickets. Doesn't take much to amuse some people in India. Open the door and put in the giraffe.
Question two:
How do you put an elephant in the fridge?
You open the door, take out the giraffe and put in the elephant.
Told my friend Ram I had got a ticket to come up for his wedding but the line I was on only went as far as Gunter, I would have to take a bus or taxi to Repalle. He is sure the Puttaparthi guy is wrong, there are four or five trains go from Gunter to Repalle. Doesn't matter to me. If there is a train leaving in a reasonable amount of time I'll take that, if not if there is a bus also leaving in a reasonable amount of time I'll take that or I'll just hire a taxi. Figure it out when I get there. Open the door, take out the giraffe and put in the elephant.
Question three:
All the animals are at a conference in the forest except one. Which Animal is missing?
The elephant is missing. The elephant is in the fridge.
I'm already way ahead of the game because I haven't wasted any of my emotion on worrying about stuff before I have any hard information. The elephant is in the fridge.
Question four:
There is a river that is full of crocodiles. You want to cross the river. How do you do it?
Just swim across, the crocodiles are all at the conference.
Don't know how that one is going to work out yet.
India is so chaotic I find it really a waste of time to worry about stuff. None of your plans are ever going to play out exactly the way you plan them anyways, so it's best to just hang loose and go through the doors that open, not drive yourself nuts worrying about the ones that don't, especially before you try them.
Having fun posting all my photos to Flickr. Going to put all my collection of family snaps up too with a password for family members. Driving the guy at the computer shop crazy uploading twelve to fifteen Megs a day. He's hoping the extra rupees he's charging me will pay for the increased bandwidth charges at the end of the day. I hope they do also.
Went down to the train station and bought train tickets for Remi and myself. The process reminded me of a quiz my friend Ken presented to a group of us one time.
Question one:
How do you put a giraffe in the fridge?
You open the door and put in the giraffe.
Remi wanted me to perform some sort of legerdemain on the Internet to order tickets and pay with a credit card. When I said "I'm just going to take a rickshaw down to the station" he started questioning. Would there would be anybody there to sell tickets, (it's quite a quiet station, only a few trains come through); didn't I want to telephone first at least? He has had some harrowing experiences with paying for tickets that turned out to be waitlisted, which was not explained to him clearly. No, I'm not going to phone, I hate telephones anyway. I'm just going to go down to the station and buy tickets. This I did under the fascinated regard of half a dozen hangers on pressing up to the counter to closely watch the foreign woman buy train tickets. Doesn't take much to amuse some people in India. Open the door and put in the giraffe.
Question two:
How do you put an elephant in the fridge?
You open the door, take out the giraffe and put in the elephant.
Told my friend Ram I had got a ticket to come up for his wedding but the line I was on only went as far as Gunter, I would have to take a bus or taxi to Repalle. He is sure the Puttaparthi guy is wrong, there are four or five trains go from Gunter to Repalle. Doesn't matter to me. If there is a train leaving in a reasonable amount of time I'll take that, if not if there is a bus also leaving in a reasonable amount of time I'll take that or I'll just hire a taxi. Figure it out when I get there. Open the door, take out the giraffe and put in the elephant.
Question three:
All the animals are at a conference in the forest except one. Which Animal is missing?
The elephant is missing. The elephant is in the fridge.
I'm already way ahead of the game because I haven't wasted any of my emotion on worrying about stuff before I have any hard information. The elephant is in the fridge.
Question four:
There is a river that is full of crocodiles. You want to cross the river. How do you do it?
Just swim across, the crocodiles are all at the conference.
Don't know how that one is going to work out yet.
India is so chaotic I find it really a waste of time to worry about stuff. None of your plans are ever going to play out exactly the way you plan them anyways, so it's best to just hang loose and go through the doors that open, not drive yourself nuts worrying about the ones that don't, especially before you try them.
Having fun posting all my photos to Flickr. Going to put all my collection of family snaps up too with a password for family members. Driving the guy at the computer shop crazy uploading twelve to fifteen Megs a day. He's hoping the extra rupees he's charging me will pay for the increased bandwidth charges at the end of the day. I hope they do also.
Above, my roomate.
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